Sunday, July 19, 2020

ICT as situating tool

Situating tool is a system that lay the students in the environment where it involves a context and the occurrence of a situation. Simulation, virtual reality and multi-user domain can be some examples of situating tool. Situating tools are well integrated in the learning environment to enhance student autonomy and thinking. Such tools can help create a more dynamic, interactive, collaborative, and satisfying.

We have experienced some of the situating application through activity like simulation on Science which was checking the pH value of different fluids. It has got different benefits for teacher and students as its open up all sensory of a child/ teacher. On top of that it gives us the feel of reality while performing the activities. It persuades users to situate themselves in the environment, best strategies to comprehend every concept through process and steps of different subject given in the simulation. It motivated us to teach creatively for students using simulation and it also help students to build up their sense of creativeness in learning for various subjects.

                             Video showing how to go on to reach simulation.
We can locate lots of simulations and games which can enhance learning. Simulations are mostly used while teaching science. By means of virtual reality (extension systems), the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in virtual environment. For example, a flight stimulation program, driving simulation, play station and etc.
                                         Figure showing simulation used in the class
 I liked how the simulation worked. It draws our attention physically, interactive and it situates us the procedure, and situating simulation. Planning a lesson integrating the simulation in it was challenging and at the same time fun. It was my first encounter with this tool which later had me realize that using this tool with the young children will be let their learning become more fun. This tool can be accessed on internet on different subjects. I would prefer to use this tool when I join the field of teaching to enhance the interest and comprehension level of children. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Situating Tool:
Situating tool is an application that helps to situate the learners’ in an environment where they may experience the learning context or environment or happenings. This tool is authentic and very interactive in nature where the user feels that they are situated in a real environment in their learning. With this application, students are able to conceptualize their thoughts to the real world by applying the theories into practice. This can also makes students independent learners in their life.
Some of the situating tools that our module tutor introduced are:
·         Simulations (flight, farming, surgery, environment, driving, history city, SimCity, and play station),
·         Virtual Reality (VR) and
·         CD-ROM.
After learning these applications, it came to my mind that these applications can be very effective in child’s education process. This can not only help child boost interest in learning but also enhance high-order-thinking and retention power. It use this tools can enhance critical thinking capability, creativity, and visualization. I wished that I have had learned this tools before I went for the teaching practice so that I could have integrated some of this tools to  teach the concepts such as electrical circuits and also mathematical graphing concepts. I will make sure that I make use this tools in near future and make my students explore themselves and learn better.
Some of the applications such as; Graphic-calculator, PHET simulation and Google maps, I found it very effective tools that teachers can rely on to deliver the concepts much easily with great learning in students. 

These tools can help students’ plots graphs much easily with much visualization and more practical.

PHET Simulation
This is free online resource where student can make use of the applications to learn new concepts with much practical. For example, constructing a complete electric circuit can be done much easily but with much learning using this application.

Google Maps
This is the application that can show whole world map with the help of satellite. Use of these applications in delivering the geographical contents would make the lesson much realistic and interesting.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Co-constructive tool
It is my privilege to have got opportunities to explore and learn new applications such as blogs and Google docs that supports co-construction. In here I will discuss on “Google Docs, Blog and Face book” that we have learned and used to co-construct the work in ICT module.
Google Docs
Honestly, I had no idea what that Google doc was before I entered ICT module. I really felt lucky enough to have learned on such beneficial and inspirational app. I felt like such app should be made best use the teachers. I really liked working in docs in groups even from the distances. For example, planning a lesson on docs along with friends was not only fun but also a great learning. I like the features of the app that allows all people to write, edit and comment on each other’s work. Below is the short video clip on collaborative work on Google docs:

Face Book
Another app that we make use of was Face book. I liked the page that sir created in face book to upload our video tutorial. Even though we did not have space to edit other’s video, we had opportunity to watch and make comment on everyone’s video to bring further improvement. This is another alternative that helps improve and learn collaboratively through friend’s feed backs/comments.

Blog is yet another application that provides space for friends to go through our page or vise versa and make comments on ours or others work. This is the blog that I have created to do the reflection on my learning’s in ICT module and I have couple of friends invited in my page to help me make necessary improvement. So, I would say that of all teachers should have good ideas on such applications to bring best learning in students.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Constructive Tool
With the growing ICT works are made less complicated and easier to comprehend. There are so many applications that allow ICT users to construct and present the works in more attractive engaging formats. Here, I would like discuss about constructive tools that I have got to learn and explore in this module. The tools are:
1.      MS Power Point  
It had being quite long that I had been using PPT to make presentation and I have always thought that MS Power point just have the features to make slides and add some animations. I had no idea that we can produce something like video, which is so called “simulation” with the use of PPT. It was my privilege to have got opportunities to learn that PPT also has the features to produce short videos called ‘simulation’. I thought like simulation can best lesson that teacher can have to deliver the content.  Below is the short simulation that I have created on “What makes my hometown popular”.

Camtasia Video Editing Apps
Another one is the use of ‘camtasia app’ to edit the video. Even though it requires using the features of PPT to make the video tutorials I like the additional feature that provides room to show the face of the speaker. Another one is more of PPT it also allows cut and edit wherever required. So I think that teacher should at least have good idea on such applications even if one cannot master.  Here is my camtasia video tutorial on ‘Multiplying by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001’.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Communicative tool
ICT has made communication so easy unlike olden days. With a phone in our hand we can learn, talk, share, and meet even from the distances. There are so many applications that support online communication and in here I will discuss basically on three communicative tools that are “Meet VLE and We chat” which our tutor used much to communicative and deliver the lessons.

We chat
To share my feelings about the usage of “we chat” by our tutor, I would say that there is no drawback other than network issue. I felt discussion through “we chat” is no different than face to face classroom teaching as it provided all facilities to explain in either of the choices such as video, voice and text. Learning through ‘we chat’, I not only had opportunities to discuss along with the tutors and friends but also luxury to revisit the chat history and clarify my doubts.  Another thing I liked about the We chat is unlike other applications such as vle, zoom and meet it gives instant notification whenever there is new message.

Meet is another useful application that I have come to learn through due to these online sessions. I really liked the use of this app by sir to communicate the lessons as if like in the real classroom by inviting all and delivering the concept. I felt like, to learn a new concept; this application could be the best as we could watch while sir does the stuffs to teach the concept. I would say that liked learning through this application even though it required good network connection and enough data packages.

VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)

VLE is yet another application that provides opportunity to discuss. I thought like vle is also a good communicative tool unless the tutors do the honor to create link and forum to discuss. There is no draw backs about the features that vle provides unless one is lazy to visit the sit and check the links. Below is graphic of vle discussion:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Co-constructive tool
What is G Suite Office Suite - All you need to know about G Suite ...

Co-constructive tool is yet another role of ICT to teach and learn. Co-constructive tool are the applications that support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding, which is collaboratively consolidating the ideas. Getting to learn about the co-constructive tool, I felt myself like still living in nineteenth century. I had no idea that there are such amazing applications that can offer multi-features, where number of people can collaboratively work together on a single task at the time on the same page. It made me feel like, why had I been holding to this gadget all the time not even knowing the main purpose of it. It was amazing to explore on the applications such as, Google Docs, blogs and wikis, electronic whiteboards, and discussion forum on portals which can provide facilities to work in group even from the distance. After learning this, I wished if all the teachers and the students around the country are blessed with this knowledge of using co-constructive applications, it would have been productive learning besides inconveniences caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

It is always expressed that ‘collaborativeness’ is effective in teaching and learning process. If that is so, I think that we should make use of these applications very fruitfully. These applications have a power to bring different minds together in one field even with the immeasurable distances. For example, working with friends to plan a lesson in ‘Google docs’ was very engaging and great learning from each other. We have freedom to write our minds without restrictions. I would say that this application makes work easier but enhances learning with collaborative environment. Working in co-constructive applications, learning becomes active and intentional as we participate to edit and refine each other’s work.  In case I be a teacher, and have my students’ opportunity to carry smart phones, I would first make use of these application in teaching and learning.

These applications are affordable and manageable to work with. To work with, we just need to download the app which is online free and then have one secured mail accounts to do the functions in the applications. For example working with the app ‘Google docs’ we just need to open the Google docs form the Google and do the necessary works where rest is handled by the apps such as saving the file and keeping it secure. I felt like learning these applications are blessings for people who are yet to become teachers.  I really feel like teachers should manage to imply these approach in teaching and learning process.

Monday, May 11, 2020

constructive tool

Constructive tool
World has developed and does the demands. In this 21st century, the traditional method of teaching does not fulfill the demands of 21st learners. ICT integration in the lesson has become necessity for the digital native learners. ICT integration in classroom is found very effective with its best services to meet the demands of the learners. Learning is effective when the learners construct their own knowledge and one of the components of ICT that helps learner to construct their own knowledge is through ‘constructive tools’.
Constructive approach was emphasized by Piaget and the approach talks about construction of new knowledge on pre-existing knowledge. It is said that new knowledge is best constructed when learned through ‘hand on experiences’ and it is worthy to know that ICT as the constructive tool is best approach that helps learner construct new knowledge and develop. If one dares to construct and learn, one should be informed of the facilities that encourage practical learning. Graphics shown below are constructive tools that provide practical learning opportunities.

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Valencia Spain March 08 2017 Collection Stock Photo (Edit Now ...

 Constructive tool provides the facilities where learners can manipulate information visualize one’s understanding and construct one’s own knowledge. And this is best supported by the constructive applications such as concept mapping, desktop publishers and Word, Spreadsheet and PowerPoint.

Concept Mapping
This program allows users to present the information in more organized form helping learners comprehend more easily.

Concept Map: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript ...

Desktop Publisher
Desktop Publisher provides multi-facilities such as page size, texts, graphics and designs to present the information in attractive format.
Exploring the Advantages of Desktop Publishing

Word, Spreadsheet, and PowerPoint
Word, Spread Sheet and PowerPoint help users to organize, record, manipulate and present their ideas in an attractive ways such as simulation, reports, and presentations.

GoCanvas Submissions in a Powerpoint, Word File, Excel Spreadsheet ...

Having discussed on the benefits of constructive tools, I came to realize that having knowledge and experiences on ICT constructive facilities  is crucial,  specially for the ones who are educator and the ones who are yet to become. These applications not only help teachers to deliver knowledge in more comprehensive manner but also help learners to comprehend the knowledge more easily.  MS publishers are the desktop publishing application that supports multi-features such as page size, text, graphics, and boarders. For example, creating simulation was the great challenge for me at the time was a great learning through exploration. So, being educator or the learner, it is equally important to have ideas on the using of the constructive applications.