Sunday, July 19, 2020

ICT as situating tool

Situating tool is a system that lay the students in the environment where it involves a context and the occurrence of a situation. Simulation, virtual reality and multi-user domain can be some examples of situating tool. Situating tools are well integrated in the learning environment to enhance student autonomy and thinking. Such tools can help create a more dynamic, interactive, collaborative, and satisfying.

We have experienced some of the situating application through activity like simulation on Science which was checking the pH value of different fluids. It has got different benefits for teacher and students as its open up all sensory of a child/ teacher. On top of that it gives us the feel of reality while performing the activities. It persuades users to situate themselves in the environment, best strategies to comprehend every concept through process and steps of different subject given in the simulation. It motivated us to teach creatively for students using simulation and it also help students to build up their sense of creativeness in learning for various subjects.

                             Video showing how to go on to reach simulation.
We can locate lots of simulations and games which can enhance learning. Simulations are mostly used while teaching science. By means of virtual reality (extension systems), the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in virtual environment. For example, a flight stimulation program, driving simulation, play station and etc.
                                         Figure showing simulation used in the class
 I liked how the simulation worked. It draws our attention physically, interactive and it situates us the procedure, and situating simulation. Planning a lesson integrating the simulation in it was challenging and at the same time fun. It was my first encounter with this tool which later had me realize that using this tool with the young children will be let their learning become more fun. This tool can be accessed on internet on different subjects. I would prefer to use this tool when I join the field of teaching to enhance the interest and comprehension level of children. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Situating Tool:
Situating tool is an application that helps to situate the learners’ in an environment where they may experience the learning context or environment or happenings. This tool is authentic and very interactive in nature where the user feels that they are situated in a real environment in their learning. With this application, students are able to conceptualize their thoughts to the real world by applying the theories into practice. This can also makes students independent learners in their life.
Some of the situating tools that our module tutor introduced are:
·         Simulations (flight, farming, surgery, environment, driving, history city, SimCity, and play station),
·         Virtual Reality (VR) and
·         CD-ROM.
After learning these applications, it came to my mind that these applications can be very effective in child’s education process. This can not only help child boost interest in learning but also enhance high-order-thinking and retention power. It use this tools can enhance critical thinking capability, creativity, and visualization. I wished that I have had learned this tools before I went for the teaching practice so that I could have integrated some of this tools to  teach the concepts such as electrical circuits and also mathematical graphing concepts. I will make sure that I make use this tools in near future and make my students explore themselves and learn better.
Some of the applications such as; Graphic-calculator, PHET simulation and Google maps, I found it very effective tools that teachers can rely on to deliver the concepts much easily with great learning in students. 

These tools can help students’ plots graphs much easily with much visualization and more practical.

PHET Simulation
This is free online resource where student can make use of the applications to learn new concepts with much practical. For example, constructing a complete electric circuit can be done much easily but with much learning using this application.

Google Maps
This is the application that can show whole world map with the help of satellite. Use of these applications in delivering the geographical contents would make the lesson much realistic and interesting.