Monday, April 20, 2020

2. ICT as Communicative Tool
Communication Tools Inside of Distributed and Interconnected ...

Communicative tools are the applications that make communication easier. As per the use of the tools, communication is of two types, they are;
1.      Synchronous
It is also called real time communication as with the use of such tools people can communicate like the real time face to face communication.
Some of the examples synchronous communicative tools are;
Use of synchronous communication in online learning_ Trupti Gawde

2.      Asynchronous
Asynchronous communication is the communication that does not require people to be online at the same time like in synchronous communication. Some of the examples are e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, vle discussion forum, we chat, blog, etc… These tools are best applicable for the activities that require more time for thinking.
Office for Digital Learning - University of Ulster 

ü  Multiple threads of discussion are difficult to follow.
ü  Slow connection disturbs smooth flow of discussion.
ü  Difficult for slow computer users.
ü  Discussion boards/blogs/vle fails to maintain the interest.
ü  Additional task for learners to in checking the post time and again.
ü  Discourages learners’ participation.


  1. You have explicitly explained the concept with examples and its differences. By now you know the tools of communicative tool and it benifits. It is essential to integrate in lesson becuase it creates a space beyond class for discussion.

  2. Tashi,it's worth reading your reflection. I liked the way you have explained the concept with relevant examples. However you could have uploaded relevant images rather than just downloading from the internet.

  3. I felt that you have understood this tool well. You have not only explained its content but also provided good examples to support your understandings. So, Its a good reflection.
